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 South West Airfields Heritage Trust

   “Preserving Aviation History for Future Generations”

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Group Visits

We welcome group visits and can, for a small charge each, arrange to provide an introductory talk by one of our experienced visitor guides followed by a question and answer session.

Group visits can be undertaken by appointment and outside our normal opening hours including evenings, weekends and our ‘closed’ season.


In addition to visiting our Heritage Centres, and for a small donation, why not book an official, authorised guided tour of one or both of the airfields and see for yourself the historical remains that still exist today.

We deliver guided, official tours both for individuals and groups. All led by our Senior Historical Guides and experts on the airfields and all with the current airfield and landowners permissions, lasting, with a guided visit to the heritage centre, of around 2 hours

At Upottery, stand on the runway where men of Easy Company’s famous Band of Brothers took off for their mission on the night of June 5th 1944 and have your photograph taken.

View the derelict tower across the fields, standing ghost-like against the sky and imagine the men, 70 years ago, cheering from the tower as they watched the fully loaded C47s  roll down the runway, wondering how many would ever come back !

At Dunkeswell see the Massive T2 hangars that housed 2 liberators at a time and Quonset huts still in use today !  Look down the Main Runway that the massive B24 Liberators  and Catalinas used, on their missions to hunt down the U-Boat. See the famous village phone box where men queued to call home.

Refreshments  can also be arranged at both Dunkeswell (in the Aviator Restaurant) and at Upottery (In the Sidmouth Arms ) or tea, coffee, with biscuits or cake (by arrangement ) at our Upottery Centre at Smeatharpe, if required.  

Lunch or dinner, before or after your tour, can also be arranged direct with one of our sponsors. This, combined with a  visit and tour of the airfield concerned, is very popular and provides an entertaining and interesting day out for a group

Please note:  Tours of an Airfield, which are available throughout the year, must be pre-booked and are available during the day including weekends and evenings during the summer and include a private viewing of the  relevant airfield and information on what took place there.


Illustrated Educational Talks at your Venue

We are also happy, again for a small donation, each,  to provide illustrated educational talks at your venue including  a PowerPoint presentation with images and complimentary text, to groups on the  following Airfields RAF Dunkeswell, Upottery, Culmhead / Churchstanton, Merryfield and  Exeter including what took place at them during the second world war.

For more  information please do  call   07778 85 77 22  or Email us

What our visitors say?

Paul, Wellington Rotary “Well what an interesting day today was. Thanks to you all for making our visit so interesting and thank you all for the time you gave us as a group. We are going to make sure lots more people know about where you are and what you do.”

Alex  my visit to the area far exceeded any expectations I had. After making contact with Robin , he was kind enough to pick me up at the hotel and take me out to Upottery  (Smeatharpe) Airfield).  Along the way, Robin was a history book that came alive right before me and transported me back in time. His personal knowledge of the area’s  history and significance provided a rare insight into that pivotal time during WWII. I shall be forever grateful for his combination of passion and  professionalism on our grand tour of the old airfield.”

Jane The museum was charming, we loved the video which was very emotional and it was great to get our own private tour,  I’ve been telling my friends all about it and recommend they visit if they are in the vicinity, I know my Dad is keen to go!  Please would you pass on our sincerest thanks to Brian as he really did a fabulous job.”

Give a Gift of a Tour Voucher - they start from a single voucher, valid for up to 3 people, suggested donation £30

Subject to airfield and volunteer availability.    Contact us

 Group Visits, Tours and Educational Talks           

  Southwest Airfields Heritage Trust  © 2017              

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