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 South West Airfields Heritage Trust

   “Preserving Aviation History for Future Generations”

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Support  for Schools             

At South West Airfields Heritage Trust we believe passionately in passing our knowledge of history on to tomorrows generations and love coming to schools.

If you would like us to visit your school in Devon or Somerset to support your lessons in WW2

Please do call Brian Lane Smith on 07778 85 77 22

We are happy to work with you on any particular aspect of the subject and can can also bring, films, artefacts and Uniforms for the children to see

All our support is free of charge.

Pupils and staff from Culmstock Primary School with members of the trust on a recent visit

Louise Heap Culmstock Primary School commented “ During a recent World war 2 topic day, we were fortunate enough to have the help and guidance of Brian & Steve from South West Airfields Heritage Trust; Their assistance being invaluable in helping us to deliver a local history study to KS 2 Children

With their help and very hard work, an immersive WW2 day was delivered; involving national, international, and local information.

All children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were engaged by the opportunity to investigate real artefacts and also by the experience of working alongside, being taught by, and asking questions of these experts.

We were very grateful for the  assistance of both Brian & Steve; their enthusiasm, expertise, and professionalism enabling us to effectively deliver an unforgettable topic and day”

  Southwest Airfields Heritage Trust  © 2017              

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